We ensure that products shipped from us are free from defects. But incase if it get damaged on transit, you can return the ordered products only if it had been damaged on transit. We will send a new product to you after receiving the damaged product / refund you. But you need to claim it within 5 days after delivery. We won't handle returns and refunds after 5 days. Inspite of our best package if there is any damages, if any fixing or repairing needed, we can reimburse the amount once you provide the bill of the same. Please call us @ 9597999274.
Orders cancelled before the shipping are eligible for 100% acceptance policy only within 3 days of the order confirmation and customer bears the commissions paid for the transactions through CCAVENUE / Paypal. After 3 days customer cannot cancel the ordered product, since it can't be done after we had started your painting process. Please email us and inform your Order ID to cancel your order.
You can mail to support@myangadi.com for cancellations.
Customized Orders:
For Customized Orders, We cannot cancel or refund for the customized orders.
The order cancelled will be refunded to you through the same mode you had made the payment to us if it is India or else through Bank Transfer. (We make payment and refunds to Bank account in India) The refunds take 3-4 business days. Please call us for any help regarding the refunds.
For eBooks no returns are accepted and we won't issue refund.
Unavailability of Products:
If any products are unavailable, then the amount will be automatically refunded to your account with an intimation mail. We try to complete every orders, but some of the products are unavailable due to constraints from the market itself. In this case, your amount will be refunded to you account.
Changes in Product Rates:
In case of change of Price in Books after republications or price change in other products, we will intimate you through mail or through phone, either you can pay the difference amount and get the order or you can refund for the order if you are interested to pay the difference amount.